At its most basic level an access control system replaces a mechanical key with an electronic one in the form of an access fob or mobile phone app, but this single change opens a world of possibilities. While most people think of access control as a means of restricting entry to your property, it can also be used to enhance access for staff, visitors, service providers and others. When using mechanical keys, ,you must carefully consider who you hand them to because you can’t control when they’ll be used, and you’ll have no record of entries to your property. It’s difficult to control duplication of mechanical keys, and if a key is lost you’ll have to choose between leaving your building unsecured or facing the expense of a complete re-keying.
With electronic access control you can open up access to shift workers, service providers, and delivery companies because you can control when they can enter, and which doors they’ll have access to. You’ll also have a record each time the key is used so you can monitor how and when your property is being accessed. You can even receive text alerts or e-mails when a specific user enters the property. You can easily revoke or change access at any time without having to physically recover they key, and for high security applications you can add dual authentication such as requiring a card plus a keypad code for entry, or use a smartphone credential that requires the user to unlock their phone before the credential will work.
Our team of access control specialists have been installing Kantech products for more than 25 years. An industry leading Canadian manufacturer since the 1990’s, Kantech now provides a full line of access control products to clients across the globe.
For larger systems or more complex configurations we typically provide a dedicated Windows PC on site running Kantech Entrapass Corporate software. For smaller systems, clients often choose Kantech’s cloud based Webstation platform. This removes the need for the dedicated PC and software on-site. For a small monthly fee Webstation gives you the ability to control and monitor your system from anywhere in the world. Kantech’s flexible architecture means your system can easily grow from a single door to hundreds of doors across multiple sites, all within the same user-friendly platform.
Click here to learn more about Kantech access control solutions.
We also support the full line of card readers and credentials from HID, a leader in access credential technology. HID’s secure encrypted cards, fobs and smartphone credentials are compatible with a wide range of systems and devices.